Who is bee?
Bumble Bee
Hello! Welcome to the blog about Bumble Bee the golden retriever. We are so thankful to have such amazing and kind followers on our journey. Bumble Bee was born April 24, 2019 in Eden, Utah. We loved our breeder Sunnyside Goldens, and we have an article dedicated to our experience. Bee is growing and changing everyday. He is a sweet and cuddly while also being adventurous and goofy. He had his mama’s heart wrapped around his paw before he was even born. Everyday she feels luckier to have him in her life. He brings such a bright light into the lives of everyone he meets. Thank you for coming along this journey with us!

Why start an Instagram?
“I have a very happy announcement! Bumble Bee has been born! As I fill this page full of photos of him growing up, I want to explain why I decided to start this insta. I had another golden growing up, Abby, who’s the golden in the photos above. She died suddenly at the age of 7, and she was my best friend. The time when she initially showed symptoms of being sick to her passing was just minutes. And when I tried to come to peace with never saying goodbye, one thing that made it harder was that I didn’t have many photos of her. So, as I start this new chapter with this little bee, all I want is to have as many memories as I can. Because I know that one day, hopefully no less than 14 years from now, I’ll need these memories. Welcome to the world little bee, you’re already loved more than you know.”
Please Note
Although we are happy to share our experiences with Bee, we are just a mama and her pup. We have not received a formal veterinary or veterinary technician education. Therefore, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian or healthcare provider. We provide our guidance and knowledge through these blog posts, and we are happy to have a place to share our experiences. We are thankful to have amazing followers that like our advice, but please discuss with professionals as well.